Aktualności | Gdańsk University of Technology

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The Volunteer Center

The Volunteer Center was established to popularize the idea of ​​volunteering in the academic community of the Gdańsk University of Technology. We are convinced that by sharing our knowledge and skills, helping others, we can contribute to lasting social changes, promoting attitudes of openness and tolerance.

Our activities are aimed at:

Welcome to the new homepage of Gdańsk University of Technology!

tablet and smartphone with a view of new homepage of Gdańsk University of Technology
The purpose of the changes was to enhance the presentation of the university's offer, especially in the context of the obtained status of a Research University, improve the functionality of the website, facilitate its readability on mobile devices and adapt its appearance to the current trends.

The project lasted several months and was divided into stages:

1.analysis and research of users’ opinions,

2. website structure workshops,

3. design of the new graphic design.

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